Scientist Objects Science Decor

Scientist Objects


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102 products

Storm Glass Science DecorStorm Glass Science Decor
Sale priceFrom $24.99
6 Face Prism Science Decor6 Face Prism Science Decor
Sale price$19.99
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Silver Metal Newton Balls Science DecorSilver Metal Newton Balls Science Decor
Sale price$69.99
Triangular Color Prism Science DecorTriangular Color Prism Science Decor
Sale priceFrom $17.99
Storm Glass Weather Station Science DecorMetal Station Crystal Barometer Science Decor
Sale price$62.99
Musical Tesla Coil  With Acrylic Shell Science DecorMusical Tesla Coil  With Acrylic Shell Science Decor
Scientific Metal Gyroscope Science DecorScientific Metal Gyroscope Science Decor
Sale price$19.99
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Galileo Tube Thermometer Science DecorGalileo Tube Thermometer Science Decor
Sale priceFrom $39.99
Spinning Top Gyroscope Science DecorSpinning Top Gyroscope Science Decor
Sale price$15.99
Color +2
Magnetic Solar System Science DecorMagnetic Solar System Science Decor
Sale price$22.99
Luminous Newton's Pendulum Science DecorLuminous Newton's Pendulum Science Decor
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Flipo Flip Galaxy Science DecorFlipo Flip Galaxy Science Decor
Sale price$14.99
Color +3
Galileo Thermometer with Barometric Ball Science DecorGalileo Thermometer with Barometric Ball Science Decor
Large Optical Glass Cube Prism Science DecorLarge Optical Glass Cube Prism Science Decor
Sale priceFrom $16.99
Crookes Radiometer Transparent Science DecorCrookes Radiometer Transparent Science Decor
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Pendulum of Newton Rings Science DecorPendulum of Newton Rings Science Decor
Sale price$39.99 Regular price$44.99
Vortecon Anti-Stress Gyro Science DecorVortecon Anti-Stress Gyro Science Decor
Sale price$18.99
Color +1
Pendulum by Newton Design Science DecorPendulum by Newton Design Science Decor
Sale price$24.99
Newton's pendulum Sphere Science DecorNewton's pendulum Sphere Science Decor
Sale price$19.99
Newton's Pendulum Infinite Science DecorNewton's Pendulum Infinite Science Decor
Sale price$199.99

Science objects are an original and innovative decorative element that adds a touch of science and modern design to your home decor. These science deco objects can be used to decorate a child's room to encourage them to discover science, or to add a touch of original interior design to a living room or bathroom. They can also be used to decorate a workspace, such as an office or conference room, to add a touch of professionalism and discovery.

Modern and innovative science objects are also a great gift idea for science enthusiasts of all ages. Whether you're looking to surprise a child with a microscope or impress a colleague with a model rocket, there's a science object to suit every taste.

Discover below the different types of science objects available on the market and how to use them to decorate your interior space in an original and innovative way.

Scientist objects for interior decoration

Scientific objects are the ideal choice for science enthusiasts who want to add a touch of curiosity and discovery to their home. They can range from simple reproductions of animal skeletons to complex measuring instruments such as microscopes, telescopes or Newton's cradle. There are also more playful scientific objects, such as physics games and models of spacecraft.

To add an original interior design touch to your living room or bathroom, opt for a scientific object such as a model spacecraft or an antique microscope. These science deco objects can also be used to decorate a child's room to encourage them to discover science.

Science objects for the workspace

Science objects can also be used to decorate a workspace, such as an office or conference room. A model spacecraft or an antique microscope can add a touch of professionalism and discovery to your workspace. Science objects can also be used to decorate a lab or research space.

5 reasons why you should add scientific objects to your home decor

1. Scientific objects are a great conversation piece for guests.

2. Science objects can be a great way to teach your children about science and the world around them.

3. Science objects can be educational and help your children learn more about the world around them or even inspire them to pursue a career in science and engineering.

4. Science objects can make you feel like you're living in a lab (in a good way!).

5. Science objects are cool!

In scientific objects, you can find the mythical Newton's pendulum, because they are also part of the amazing objects that our decorators have managed to put together for you.

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